Peer to Peer Education

AZ CEAL COVID Peer-to-Peer Program

Overall Description

The COVID pandemic has caused a greater risk of hospitalizations and deaths in individuals belonging to racial/ethnic minorities and individuals with fewer resources. Such greater risk may be due to a lack of resources, health information, or mistrust. Treating COVID and its consequences (such as Long COVID) needs quick action to improve knowledge about Long COVID and information regarding health services and disability resources. The purpose of the study is to provide information to people who are experiencing symptoms for more than 30 days after their COVID infection about the resources which are available to them. 


The purpose of this project is to provide Long COVID participants with support in regard to their understanding of their (1) symptoms, (2) where to find Long COVID treatment facilities and clinical trial participation opportunities, and (3) refer patients to long COVID disability resources (4) COVID vaccine accessibility.


A peer mentor will be paired with a peer mentee and they can communicate to receive support via phone call system.

Sponsored by

Arizona CEAL (OT2-HL-156812 and OT2-HL-158287)


Sairam Parthasarathy, MD
Chief, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine

Clinical Research Coordinator:

Nina Santa Cruz

For more information please call or text: 520-542-2970 or go to: